Health Promoting Lifestyle and Perceived Social Support Measure of Nursing Students in a Selected College of Nursing
Background: The importance of health promotion has been underscored in preventing the existing of certain diseases, safeguarding the health of the nation. However, certain factors must be considered in ensuring that all individuals are motivated in maintaining their highest health potential. This study aims to determine if there is a difference between the profile variables of the nursing students, their perceived social support measure and the Health-promoting lifestyles they practice.
Methodology: A descriptive comparative research design was utilized in the study. Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP II) and Personal Resource Questionnaire (PRQ) was used to gather data to one hundred eighteen (118) nursing students. To analyze the gathered data, frequency, percentages, t-test and one-way ANOVA were used in the study.
Results: Results revealed that respondents’ nutrition and stress management were significantly different with age group. It was also found that the respondents’ physical activity is significantly different with gender.
Conclusion: Nutrition, physical activity, stress management and health responsibility were the lowest Health-promoting lifestyle behaviors.
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